How do I introduce myself in the presentation of a class?

Introducing yourself in a class presentation is more than just saying your name. 

Here are guidelines to make an excellent presentation;

1.)Have A Positive Attitude: Your audience will automatically  procure your attitude.Understand your feelings are invisible and everyone experiences stage fright in public speaking and be confident throughout.

2.)Grab Attention: Ensure you occupy the space immediately you’re on stage.You have 15 seconds to loose or gain audience attention. To make sure you don’t miss a beat, tell a joke or any informal opening that connects to the current air in the room.

3.)Tell who you are: Give a brief description of yourself and whoever contributed to the work ready for presentation if there is any.

4.)Attach Importance:Indicate why your presentation is worth the audience time and the promise it carries if there is any.

5.) .)Tell A Story: Come up with a creative story that connects to the main agenda. It can be told by the aid of visuals like photos or videos.

6.) Audience Participation: Encourage your audience to talk among themselves by asking simple questions,news trends, or even asking them to shake hands.

7.) Connect: Prioritise things you share in common with other students in your class to make your presentation relevant and interesting.


Psychologists have listed speaking in public the number one fear of human beings even above snakes and death. To master this skill, requires commitment in practice and using fear as a weapon not an obstacle.
